Monday, April 12, 2010


This is a story about neglect.
(Before I complain about the way my granny is neglecting me, I must apologize for neglecting my journalistic duties. I, uh...(scratching ears with back paw) don't have a valid excuse. heh heh…)
But my granny, on the other paw, has been far far too preoccupied with Amy. Amy this; Amy that… “Amy Waymie pudding and pie…” AGHHHHH I am sick of it. Ever since Amy came to visit I have had to retreat to places of hiding that are simply insulting for a dog of my stature. For example, just yesterday I tried to offer her a peace-rope; she chased me under the foot stool! Under a foot stool! A stool for feet. Can you imagine how ridiculous I looked?
She plays with tennis balls and she leaves them all over the house; I on the other hand, return them to their proper bucket when I have finished a game. (Well, OK, I don’t actually do that, but Buddy did, and I am his protégé, so one day I will do it…it is just not true, yet.
Granny, consider this a formal warning: don’t forget the senior members of your pack! We have feelings too. Just because we are not deaf and blind doesn’t mean you can neglect us! Pet us, please, and tell us you love us once in a while…would it kill ya to throw us a bone now and then?

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