Sunday, April 18, 2010

To a Different Drummer

I have been working my tail off trying to catch up with Jill Pribyl, world renowned dancer and choreographer. Between New York and Uganda she's been stunning the dance world for the last several years. She is, if my lead is correct, a part of the Okulamba Dance Theater,Uganga.
Anyway, as I was sniffing out a lead, suddenly I couldn't’t stop my two front paws from raising up into the air, "highah! highah!" said I; while on my back two paws I started to dance; I danced, frenzied, elated, transformed.
( It reminded me of the time I was preparing to interview the late Babtunde Olatunji who was performing at the UN General Assembly in Russia. Nikita Khrushchev took off his shoes and started dancing. Stole the show away from my interview plans. But I can’t blame the poor fella; when the music gets in ya, be you man or beast you cannot resist. Especially those drums!)
Tell ya what I’ll do, (pa tahtah pa tah tah papa tah) until I can find Jill and her troupe I’ll hook you up to one of Africa’s greatest drummer/musician/social activist/teacher there ever was. Babtunde Oatunji, my hat’s off to you, sir. You may not be with us on this tilting planet anymore, but, brother, the beat goes on.
please visit the world wide web at
I am sorry I cannot link you directly to that page. I am experiencing technical difficulties.

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