Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ruff Day

Granny came home weeping today after she was shot down by an arrogant, inhumane barrage of verbal missiles, fired off by a woman in a white coat. This woman had vowed to do no harm when she slipped into that white coat, but it was a vow that was obviously now adhered to because the harm she did is insidious and far reaching.
Since I am granny’s loyal and trustworthy healer I must fly to her side and apply the salve of my furry presence to her wounded spirit. (Plus, she made garlic-ginger stir-fry for dinner and I will be a pretty busy pup a- begging for my sup. Of course, a dog worth his salt can’t beg and keyboard at the same time, so you’ll forgive my terse verse for tonight. Right? )
But I can’t live on begging alone. The Barker does after all, butter my toast; I do have to actually work for my bones and kibble. I would be remiss if I didn’t provide your Daily reason to smile.
And Sweet Lucy, what a smile!

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